So what do you do when it’s the end of April, it should be comfortable and sunny, but instead there’s snow on the ground, freezing and raining? Shoot anyway! Kate and Chris have been such a blessing in my life and quickly became friends. When I met them via Skype while I was abroad in Europe, I had no idea we would soon bond over our love of Beau Jo’s Pizza (gotta love pizza crust and honey!) and Jesus Christ. Their support in not only my business but in my life and walk with God has been so special to me. Blessing them with these photographs is the least I could do to show them that. Heading up to Guanella Pass a few weeks ago, Kate called me asking what we should do because of the impending clouds. But with make up and nails done and the perfect outfits picked out, Kate and Chris decided to give it a try. It was my first session in the pouring rain. It was cold. It was tough. But the romantic drizzles and delirious laughs made it memorable. “It’s like the Notebook!” I said. After 45 minutes of dealing with the crazy conditions, we called it and decided to reschedule. And of course…grabbed some Beau Jo’s on the way home!