Alyssa & Kyle [engaged] – Evergreen Lake House – Colorado

When I first met with Alyssa and Kyle, they weren’t engaged yet…and they were talking to me about wedding photography! I was caught a little off guard and proceeded cautiously. Who is this couple that starts planning a wedding and hasn’t had a proposal yet? I could feel some worry about it. But now I can tell you who they are…

“In all my other relationships, there was always a little doubt if it would work,” Alyssa told me grinning at Kyle, “but with Kyle it is different. I have no doubts about him.” It all made sense in that one sentence. My heart warmed, and it reminded me, love doesn’t need a proposal (although, Alyssa did end up getting an amazing and extremely thoughtful proposal). Too often people materialize love – including myself. They shallow it, and a proposal or a wedding becomes an end goal. If there is one thing I now believe even more and am reminded of from meeting Alyssa and Kyle, it’s that true love doesn’t need those things. It is a lifelong journey. Throughout my entire shoot with Alyssa and Kyle, they beamed, full of love, joy, and romance. Kyle was as sweet as ever, just in awe that he has the opportunity to marry this girl! And I could tell that what Alyssa had told me was without a doubt true.

After our initial dinner, Kyle did propose to Alyssa. We called it “the event.” And if receiving roses from friends and family throughout an entire work day with little poems attached to them, only to then lead you to a romantic picnic where your love waits for you, isn’t an amazing proposal, I don’t know what is! These two have inspired and once again showed me that true love exists!



Every once and awhile we like to have fun! And Alyssa & Kyle are nothing but laughs and fun! We had a blast!




Huge props to my assistant, Joshua Jhun Photography! 🙂



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